

When is it acceptable to DNF?

“DNF: Did Not Finish.”

DNFing is what readers do when they’ve reached a point of disinterest (or loathing in my case 😝) with a book and cannot go on. Some view it as giving up, as a failure. Others view it as maximizing reading time for books that are actually good. Still, even when DNFing does happen, no one really seems to talk much about it. They kind of… shovel it under the rug with the dust bunnies like no one’ll notice.


As a voracious reader who never seems to have enough time for all the books I want to read, I’m rather baffled by the negative connotation that DNFing receives. I feel like DNFing should be natural. I mean, the first thing you learn as a writer is “You can’t please every reader.” As such, not every book is going to be interesting to me, but we act like we should like every single book. We act like every book should be a gift that’s amazing and should be cherished.

Even those who view DNFing as maximizing time for other books don’t really talk about those DNFed books. They just push them aside and move onto the next one. At best, they’ll offer a tiny snippet about the book, but nothing nearly as great or as voluptuous (because that sounds like a good word to use here πŸ˜…) as their regular reviews. But shouldn’t they be even bigger than their regular reviews? Shouldn’t we have a lot to say if we’re willing to completely stop reading a book altogether and never touch it again?!

I know I had
PLENTY to say!

Just recently, I DNFed a book for the very first time! EVER! It took a LOT for me to do this, and I truly tried to push my way through to the end. I made it through 50% of the book before I finally said: “NOPE. I quit! I cannotΒ take anymore of this GARBAGE!” And it was only after a heaping pile of reasons had accumulated that I resigned myself to DNFing because I, like most if not all readers, hate DNFing. (I’m of the group that views DNFing as a failure. Like I didn’t try hard enough with the book.)

I think this was especially hard because I’ve done an amazing job never DNFing before this!

Just one peek at my reviews by rating will show I’ve given some awful ratings to books. One biohazard symbol (aka star) means that the only good thing about the book is that I managed to finish it. In other words, I somehow managed the will power to drag myself through the finish line. I completed that horrible excuse for fiction. But… that was it. Everything else was awful!

So… why do I force myself to finish a book when I absolutely hate it?

As someone who receives books specifically to give my honest review of that book, I hate DNFing. It feels like such an unfair response. I mean, the publisher/author/whomever could’ve sent the book to someone else, someone who might have actually enjoyed it. So, I feel an obligation to at least finish a book because I was selected to receive one of a very few copies.

Additionally, I hate DNFing books because I feel like I shouldn’t be allowed to review it. After all, I didn’t read most of the book. I have no idea what happens in the end. I have no idea if it gets better (or worse) or what not. I made my decision on only a portion of the entire story and that somehow feels unfair, feels like I shouldn’t be allowed to judge the book without getting to know it fully yet. Perhaps this is the same for you and is why DNFs are so covered up?

However, after DNFing a book, I find I may be the opposite of that ideology. Rather than trying to cover up the DNF and pretend like it didn’t happen and mask my inability to finish a book, I broadcasted it. I justified my reasoning for giving up on that book. I wanted everyone to know that I tried my absolute darndest to finish it and just could not make it for (insert a gazillion reasons here.) That makes it feel less like giving up to me and ranting is actually EXTREMELY therapeutic. πŸ˜‰

But what do you think about DNFing?
Do you boast it or cover it up?
Let me know!

And check out my discussion from last week:
Notating… in Books

68 thoughts on “{DISCUSSION} DNFing”

  1. Basically, I used to NEVER, ever DNF. I read so many books that I didn’t likeβ€”they weren’t necessarily bad books; it’s just they weren’t to my taste. Eventually, I decided that my time is limited (this happened around the time I got a real, full-time job and saw how much working eats into my reading timeβ€”the horror, the horror!) and I DNF like crazy now. The fact is even though I’m relatively easy to please, I’m not going to like every book, and that’s okay.

    One thing I have very strong feelings about are reviews for books that one has DNF’d. I feel very strongly that if a person does not read the book in its entirety, they should not review it. That is different, in my opinion, than posting a blog entry about a book with the reason for making it a DNF. πŸ˜› For me personally, if I DNF a book, it doesn’t go on my Goodreads at all. I’m not above ranting about it on Twitter, my blog, or both though. πŸ˜‰

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    1. Oh woman! I know!!! I’m working only part-time right now, but it just eats into my reading time (especially if I still want to have time to write/blog, too.) So, I can’t afford to waste time on a book I don’t enjoy, especially because it’ll take me longer to finish than a book I enjoy because I’ll only be able to digest small chunks at a time. :/ Though, I still try to give books the benefit of the doubt (as I know books that have mediocre beginnings, but pick up towards the middle.) I try, at least, but that may change when grad school starts. 0.0

      Ah, yes! I don’t feel like one should ‘review’ the book necessarily. However, I do believe it’s appropriate to comment on why one was unable to finish it. It informs other readers and it calls the writer out for ways they can improve. Not to mention, it’s good for the reader to purge the book from their minds so it doesn’t continue to linger when they start on another book. I hate when previous books taint my current one. 😦

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  2. When I was younger I used to DNF books once in a while, though I think more often I only read the books I felt confident would not disappoint me. In more recent times I’ve become more reluctant to DNF. I’m often curious, “Is there anything I can learn from this title?” and “how are they going to bring this to a close?”
    I think that’s been the one thing that almost always keeps me reading. Good or bad, I always want to know how it ends. Though I will say, while there aren’t too many books that a DNF, there are series that I will DNF. I reach the end of book 1, or book 4, and I stop there. This is particularly common when the series is long, and I doubt the author will do more than simply repeat the patterns of earlier volumes. Even if the series goes on, every story needs an ending, and how an author chooses to end their story says a lot about the author.

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    1. Yeah. The hope that it might get better is what allowed me to get to 50% in the book I DNFed, but it was taking a turn for the worse rather than the better by that point and I knew I had other books to read. I had to decide to prioritize my time. :/ I just… can’t afford to struggle through a book because it’ll take me even longer than a book I enjoy. I’ll spend 1-2 weeks on a book I don’t like vs a couple days on a book I do enjoy. You know?

      Mm. There have been a couple series I’ve DNFed as well. Though, my reasoning wasn’t due to repetition. My reasoning was because I didn’t like the direction in which the series took. It was like… “Um… why are you doing this?” It was just too weird for me to continue. :/

      Now that I think about it, I did read an intermediate reader series that repeated (each generation had a 6-book series), but the plots were similar. Only so much you could do with that world (and I was getting a little too old for the series in general.) But I still look back on that series fondly. πŸ™‚

      And I am still like you: Only pick up books that I think will not disappoint me. Even when other readers/reviewers say they like a book, I won’t pick it up unless I’m like 90% interested in it. I just don’t agree with most other people and am far more critical. So, I’m more likely to dislike a book in general and I don’t want to pay money for a book that I can’t see myself enjoying. :/ Gotta be selective, I suppose.

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  3. I DNF heaps of books. I figure there are too many out there waiting to be read to put up with a bad one. I don’t review books often (I’m a writer not a reviewer), so I tend to not even bother reviewing DNFs. However, perhaps if more people did, less trash would get published? Maybe?

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    1. BAHHAHAHAHA! “Less trash would get published.” I love it! That is so how I feel most of the time! That’s one of the biggest reasons I do review books I dislike/hate/abhor/loathe. :p I want to call authors and publishers out because they can’t just get away with ANYTHING. They have to have standards too because we shouldn’t be providing garbage for younger readers just because they’re younger. They can absorb larger books, bigger topics, etc. They should have quality literature, as well. (Reviewing also helps me, as a writer, to determine what is bad and see what trends are going on in the literary world.)

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  4. I think it’s amazing that you had your first DNF experience only recently. I used to beat myself up for DNFing, but now I look at it in a different way. It simply was not the right book for the present time, and taking it up again at some later point might work. So I postpone, rather than DNF.

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    1. Ah. I have done that in the past (though, I’ve yet to pick up the books I set down. Hahaha!) But I can understand that sometimes it’s just not the right time for that book. Yet, I can usually differentiate between wrong time and bad book, you know? This one was just an AWFUL book (hence my 700-word rant. :p ) I see postponing as more of an inability to get into the book. DNFing is a “I hate this book.” Hahaha!

      Have you ever managed to pick up a book later and finish it? Or are those books still on hold?

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  5. I love that you chose this discussion topic! I agree that DNFing is something that is perhaps underdiscussed in the book blogging world. Before I started book blogging, I DNF’d a LOT of books, basically any book that didn’t interest me enough to keep going. After I started book blogging, I did not DNF any. It’s because I feel that if I were to write a review for a book, I should finish it, right? And so I spent some time on books that are downright horrible. I agree that to prioritize our time, we should DNF books that are wasting our time. On the other hand, I understand the argument against reviewing books that we’ve DNF’d. I remember reading a Goodreads review of one of my fav books (The Name of the Wind). The reviewer bashed the book and the author using very strong and personal language, and he didn’t even finish the book! Which angered me, because I thought it wasn’t fair for him or her to review a book so negatively if they haven’t even read it in its entirety. However, I believe that it depends on how the review is worded. I think it is appropriate to review a DNF’d book if we state that it is DNF’d and state the reasons why we DNF’d it, keeping in mind that we missed the last x% of the book. Great discussion! πŸ™‚

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    1. WHAT?! I thought I responded to this! Oh, gosh darn it! headdesk I’m sorry. I’ve never had so many comments on a discussion post or my blog at one time and I started to lose track of things. Stupid WP. 😦

      I definitely agree that we, as a blogging community, need to be more accepting and open about DNFing because it does happen and it will happen. It’s part of being hobbists with not enough time for all the things we want to do. Such is life. Though, there are definitely a variety of standards regarding exactly when to DNF. Some make it 50-75% of the way through before DNFing. Others only make it 50pages in. So I wonder if there should be a way to normalize this or if this is going to be one of those things that is left up to individuals, just as ratings and reviews are. Hmm…

      As to ‘reviews’ of DNFs, I don’t think we should call them reviews. I think by calling it a review, we are stating that we are judging the book in its entirety, which obviously we are not since we didn’t finish it. That being said, I’m not sure what exactly to call these posts, rants perhaps? :p But I agree that, as they are a different class of item from a finished book, the judgement of them should be classified different, as well. (Perhaps we should start a new trend? :p Too bad we can’t make a monthly meme out of this or something. Hahahaha!)

      P.s. This double posted. (I saw your note and I totally know the feeling. No worries, I just deleted one. πŸ˜‰ )

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      1. No worries!! I understand since this is a very popular post!!
        I don’t think there should be a guideline about having to read x% of a book before DNFing. What if a book is just so terrible and offensive that we can’t read past the first chapter? Other books might be amazing until the last 25%

        I agree that we should talk about DNFs and that this should be called something other than reviews. Why can’t we start a monthly meme out of this?! That actually sounds like a good idea and I think people might have a lot to say about their DNFs haha…

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        1. Mn! That is a very good point and everyone has a different level of determination with a book. Okay! No standard. The rule is set. 😜

          Hahaha! I lile the idea, but can you honestly say you would have a book every month that you’ve DNFed? I can’t. I mean… it took me almost 2 blogging years to DNF just one. You know??? Unless it was more discussion based: Reasons to DNF.

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          1. Hahaha I was actually thinking about this yesterday. No i probably don’t DNF a book every month! (And I wouldn’t want to because most of the books I read I actually do like!!) I think a discussion about reasons to DNF would be super fun πŸ™‚

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    1. Oh man! Confusing books are the WORST! It’s like: How can I get into this book when I don’t even have a clue as to what is going on?? That was how I felt about Vassa in the Night recently. I finished it, but it was awful difficult to follow what was going on. sigh

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  6. I also DNFed my first book this year. I felt awful! But later I felt glad, I didn’t waste my time on it. But I still see it as bit of a failure πŸ˜› Completely agree with you though, we should talk more about the books we DNF as well. Give the reasons to why.

    Great writing!

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    1. Right?! It took me like 2-3 days to finally decide to DNF the book for good and then once I post my DNF rant post, I was like… huh. This isn’t that bad. I can do this. Heck, I should do this more often. :p It might help me get through my TBR faster. HAhaha!

      Thank you! I’m happy you stopped by and commented! πŸ˜€

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    1. Ah. I could argue that this book I recently DNFed was offensive. The way it portrayed teenage women was awful! Actually, the way it portrayed teenagers in general was awful and I just couldn’t take anymore, but I tried. That’s what I think really matters. (I’m also rather picky about writing abilities. So, that can play a huge impact on how far into a book I get.) :/

      I hope you continue to be lucky with not having to DNF. πŸ™‚


  7. I recently had my first as well. I made it 68% before I couldn’t take any more. I really hate the idea of not finishing what I started, and I feel a little bad since it takes a lot of courage for an author to put their work out in to the world. Someone somewhere liked it enough to publish it, but you are right that not every book can please every reader. I feel like I need to do my best to explain why I did not finish a book though, instead of just saying that I did not like it. We go in to great detail about why we like books, and we are honest, so we should be the same with books we don’t like or don’t finish. I honestly think it is up to the reader to choose to finish a book or not, but I think if they are open and honest about books they like, they should be open and honest about the ones that didn’t make the cut.

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    1. Absolutely, Adrienne! πŸ˜€ I don’t understand why are only promote good things and not bad things. I know a lot of bloggers who only write reviews for books that receive 3+ stars from them, but that doesn’t make sense to me. There are going to be books you don’t like. Why shovel them under the rug? Why are we trying to avoid negative opinions so much? It really bothers me. (Kind of like the American obsession with happy endings. -.- But that’s another topic altogether.)

      I just feel like we should be open about all of our opinions, not just some of them. We shouldn’t feel ashamed or worried or bad about not liking a book because there is likely a very specific reason why we don’t like the book. That should be shared. We shouldn’t tip-toe around feelings or whatever or fear repercussions for not liking something. I, for one, don’t want to hide half of my feelings because how can you truly be an ‘honest reviewer’ if you’re hiding half of your thoughts? :/

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      1. Well said. You can’t be an honest reviewer if you only talk about the positive stuff. An honest, mature reviewer will talk about the negatives. Pointing out what you didn’t like is the only way to help an author see what may work better and to show your followers what types of content or writing styles you don’t enjoy.

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        1. I think one of the many reasons people don’t leave negative reviews is finesse. In my experience, the general populous lacks finesse and ends up stating something in an inappropriate, possibly offending manner (or they’re afraid of offending anyone by saying the wrong thing.) Thus it’s better to say nothing at all. However, silence has never gotten society anywhere and I most definitely believe it’s something we need to work on. Reviewers shouldn’t be afraid to leave bad reviews. Frankly, I think that is what’s allowing publishers to get away with publishing such AWFUL books (reasons, also, why I may not be receiving any ARCs. :p )

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  8. I have a VERY hard time DNF’ing a book! It has to be downright awful for me to do that. Though there have been many times where I wish I would have just stopped. There are so many amazing books I want to read and it makes sense to not waste time on something I don’t like – but it’s still just so hard! I’m working on it!
    As far as reviews of DNF’d books – you hit the nail on the head! If you were so passionately uninvolved in a book – review it! I want to know details as to why you stopped reading it. There was obviously something so strong in your feelings that you decided to stop reading so tell me what it was! Though, having said that, sometimes it just didn’t work and it’s hard to explain why. Great discussion!

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    1. Oh, I know!!! Even when I want to DNF a book, I force myself to keep reading. There is just some internal guilt that keeps me going, but I think time-availability plays a much bigger role in this nowadays. I can’t afford 1-2 weeks for a book I don’t like when I can finish I DO like in 3-4. Just too wasteful.

      And I have to be honest with my readers and myself about a book. If I didn’t like it, I can’t be like: “I love it!” No. That’s not honest. That’s not fair. I have to be open with myself about not liking a book and accepting that fact. I think we just feel an obligation to like all books, but that’s not reality. That’s not going to happen.

      Oh yeah! When you can write a 700-word rant about why I didn’t finish the book, then I’m totally sharing that with my readers. Of course, there are times when you can’t finish a book, but don’t know why. Sometimes that may just not be the right book at the right time. Or perhaps you and the writer’s style doesn’t click, but if you have specific reasons, I think that needs to be shared with people, especially if you consider yourself to be an ‘honest reviewer.’ Honesty includes the bad with the good. πŸ™‚

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      1. That was a conversation I’ve had many times about being honest with reviews. I won’t slam a book or an author, but if i don’t like it I will say so! There are so many books I haven’t liked and I would never say that It was great for the sake of the blog. I’m going to let people know why I didn’t like it! I’m a brutally honest person but I calm it down on the blog πŸ˜‚ I also like most of the books I read. I’m a fairy easy to please reader – most of the time!

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  9. It’s very unusual for me to DNF a book particularly if I received it for free in exchange for a review. I don’t think it’s fair to review a book I haven’t read to the very end. As a result I have forced my way through some truly horrendous books. The one good thing being I feel justified in writing a very ranty review. It also sometimes gets to the stage it’s so bad it’s funny.

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    1. Hahahaha! Oh, I feel you, Ali! I have gotten quite a few books for review that I ABHORRED! Yet, because I’d receive them specifically to review, I forced my way through. I made myself finish them, but I can’t say it was a good use of my time. :/ And once I get to that point, I feel like I’ve lost all my passion for why I disliked the book and my review ends up being less rant and more ‘blah.’ :/ But I totally feel your desire to only review a book that you’ve read all the way through. Otherwise it just seems… unfair to the book.


  10. I’ve only DNFed I think 4 books ever, all “classic literature”. Usually it’s because if the older book is making a lot of social commentary about a time period I know absolutely nothing about then I have no idea what’s going on. Plus, boring.

    I want to finish a book because you never know if you might like the end. At the very least, I am usually curious to find out what will happen. It’s hard for me to be so completely uninvested in a book that I’ll give up on it.

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    1. Ah. Yes. Classic literature can be very difficult if you’re unaware of the social construct and all the rules and what not. I think this is one of the reasons I ended up never finishing Pride and Prejudice. I wanted it to, but it was just very involved (and it was above my reading level at that time. I didn’t have the capability to read it. :/ I was a late bloomer. :p )

      See. And the ending seems to be a big reason why people don’t want to DNF a book. I get that, but there have been some books where I’m just like: I DON’T CARE!!!! When you no longer give a DANG about the ending, then there really is no incentive to finish it. (Or worse, you get to the end and it’s not even worth it.s sigh)

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      1. Yeah, I’ve gotten to the point where I genuinely didn’t care what happened in the end. But it just doesn’t happen to me very often. I’m so curious, and easily commit to books and movies that most of the time even when I’m hating the book I still want to know what happens. Classic example, City of Bones. Even though I didn’t much care for that book, I still read the rest of the series because I was curious to find out what happened.

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  11. I very rarely DNF a book, but I do occasionally. Typically what has happened is I will not be excited about the book. I will travel (or something else) and not bring it/read it for several days. When I go back to read it, I just couldn’t get the energy. I didn’t miss or think about the book, so why bother picking it back up again? I have just stopped reading and put a book down, but that is even rarer.

    I love my Kindle, but I will admit that I’ve DNFed more Kindle books than paper books. I think its because they are easier to ignore.

    As a reviewer, I could see it being different, particularly if you were sent the book to review. If people sent me books to review, it would have to be some awful (or boring) for me to not finish. To me that’s different.

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    1. Yes! I find ebooks to be far easier to DNF than physical books, but there is already a sense of disinterest with ebooks for me because I don’t really feel like I’m reading… You know what I mean? No pages to tuck my finger behind in preparation for turning. No ability to accidentally skip ahead to the next page. No feel of the paper. It’s just a different aspect and it doesn’t feel real to me. I’m already mildly disinterested before I even start. :/

      Mhm! Exactly. Reviewing isn’t just for your enjoyment or a hobby. It’s definitely more of a business, an obligation. You want to keep a good reputation with the publisher/person who gave you the book, too, so DNFing doesn’t sit well with them or you. :/ No one wants to give a book to someone who won’t finish it because that book could’ve gone to someone else. sigh I think that’s why my first DNF was so hard because it was a review copy. :/ Oh well. Such is life and the blog tour host didn’t seem angry or anything. Perhaps other people had DNFed it, too?? Who knows.

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  12. If I’m going to abandon a book, I usually do it without even noticing – I’ll move on to something else and then realise three months have passed since the last time I opened it. Lots of the time this happens before I’ve got too far in, so I can’t justify even a DNF review, or I’ve completely forgotten what happened, so again can’t write a review. Or I’ll vaguely intend to pick it up again at some point, which never happens. The only book I’ve ever properly DNF’d was Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I agree about review copies though, I always feel like I need to read it fully before I can judge and review.

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    1. Yes, I feel like that seems to be the case: you intend to pick it back up, but never get around to it. :/ Though, I definitely think that is more of an early reaction than getting through 50% of the book or so and then putting it down. And I’m not sure I consider that DNFing. It’s more along the lines of “Not the right time.” Usually for those I don’t have specific reasons for putting the book down or my reasoning just isn’t passionate enough to be reason for a review. :/ DNFing has very specific reasons and literally prevent me from going any further.

      OH NO! Shiver, really?! That books on my TBR right now. I just picked up a copy. That makes me really sad that someone DNFed it. I thought it was good based on what people have been saying about it. 0.0

      Yeah. Review copies seem like a different breed of book compared to ones we buy/win. There’s a certain sense of obligatory business there instead of just enjoyment, you know?? Like you have a reputation to uphold with whomever sent you the book. :/

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  13. I can’t recall ever intentionally DNFing a book. I can think of a few I wish I had. Most of the time, I put a book aside, telling myself I’m just going to read something else for a while and get back to the book in question a little later. Then I don’t. Is that intentional? shrug

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    1. Ah! Yes, I’ve been there, J.W. I’ve had books I just couldn’t get into and then set them aside, but I’ve yet to pick them up. I think that’s more a disinterest in the book at that time as opposed to a complete disinterest in ever reading further. I believe these are two very different feelings/emotions towards the book. :/ One is more passionate than the other, at least in my experience.

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  14. There was a book called Slumber by JL Weil and it had a GORGEOUS cover. Five stars everywhere. I couldn’t get past 11% and I tried over and over and OVER. IT WAS HORRIBLE. Errors and poor dialogue and just general ickiness. I tried so much bc of the high ratings, thinking there was something wrong with me. I let two friends read it too to see if it was just me. It wasn’t.
    So I DNFed it, and there’s only been one other book, and that was 1Q84 by Murakami (I was told by a B&N employee that I “needed to work up to him” and that he was too “hard” for most people…ugh πŸ™„).
    So DNF away bc according to your life, at 30, if you read an avg of 86 books a year, you’ll only read 4,000 books before 70. That’s not a lot. Gotta read the good stuff.

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    1. Haha, like 4,000 books isn’t a lot of books! I mean, yeah, compared to the massive amount that are out there isn’t really, but compared to what most people read in their lifetimes these days it sure is!

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    2. Hahaha! Statistics, woman! That’s awesome! And… really sad. 😦 I hope I read more books than that because that really isn’t a lot. I mean, I don’t even read 86 books a year. So… where does that leave me? 0.0

      Oh no! I’ve been wanting to read 1Q84 because I’ve heard good things about it, but the size has been daunting to me. Long books take me a while and I have a review schedule to keep up with. :/ Such is life, unfortunately. Perhaps one I’ll get to it… and GOT #4… and Outlander. >.> reasons I don’t read a lot of adult books

      Isn’t that the worst?! When the cover is GORGEOUS and then the book inside is awful?! I find that sooo much with YA. Like they do an amazing job with marketing, but it’s like they’re overcompensating because the book is horrid. I don’t get it. 😦 I’ve also determined that I don’t agree with most readers. So if I don’t like a book, I know I’m weird. Hahahaha! And I’ve learned to accept it, but I also know I’m far more critical of the books I read compared to others. Oh well! High standards and all that jazz.

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      1. I swear you kill me. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
        You’re like the best friend in my life that still lives too far away to see on a regular basis and it SUCKS!! We would laugh so much I’m sure of it.
        1Q84 had an interesting concept but I got about 30% and I’ll say it is a little pretentious and though it’s 900 pages, I wanted to scream. But I was told by the B&N lady that I had to “work up to him.” Like I’m an idiot.
        No thank you.
        And I’m half asleep so before I type nonsense I’m going to go!

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        1. Hahaha! I’m just happy to hear all my years of reclusive Interneting has finally allowed my personality come through digitally. πŸ˜‚

          I dunno. Some writers are like that, though, where they happen to be different from what you’re used to and it takes a few books to get into their style. Ray Bradbury was that way for me. πŸ˜•

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          1. Yeah, I get that. I just remember not wanting to give up because I felt like it was going to go somewhere, and by 30% all she noticed were the police officers uniforms were different. It was just so descriptive of EVERYTHING.

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