
{DISCUSSION} Blacklisting Authors

When do you blacklist an author?

So… I’ve come across some bad books while reading (God knows I have!) But there are varying degrees of bad. There is the “well, I saw that plot twist coming a mile away,” the “I know the character got from Point A to Point B, but I’m not really sure how,” the “my goodness, where on earth was the editor for this,” the “I really don’t know if I can finish this,” the “I would rather claw my eyes out than read this damn book,” and my personal favorite:

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS BOOK IS AWFUL! *throws at wall, shreds pages, burns, resurrects with black magic, locks in chest, infuses with curse, drops into deepest trench at the bottom of the ocean, hatches and raises giant Kraken to ward off anyone from ever finding book, and, just to be safe, sacrifices soul to Demon Lord in hopes the author will never write another book… EVER!*

You know what I mean? There are just so many different flavors of ‘bad’ when it comes to books. (Kind of like the endless horrid flavors they infused into Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans… like it was a good idea to make people buy food they didn’t like the taste of. >.>)

P.s. Try the pumpkin juice. Sounds weird to us Americans, but it’s actually REALLY yummy!

Anyway! Back on topic, books! And their awfulness! 😂 A few of those types of ‘bad’ aren’t all that bad. Honestly, if the rest of the book is on par, then those are pretty minor facts. (Example: I definitely had the ‘plot twist’ problem in Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco, but I LOVED the rest of the book, so I didn’t care! WOO!) On the other hand, there might be a reason for why the book fell into one of the above categories…

  1. They’re a debut author. First published book. Need time to improve.

  2. The author is just having a rough time writing and it’s not one of their best.

If either of these two reasons are the case, there is always the potential that the next book won’t be as bad. Maybe the next story idea is better suited for them and it comes off better on the page than the first, thus making it a better story. Or perhaps the author will have more writing experience under their belt and therefore will have improved writing and an improved story.

And I mean, being a writer myself, I know just how much my writing has changed over time. Heck, even the manuscript I finished this spring might not be my best writing because I’m always improving. For that reason, I like to give authors the benefit of the doubt. I like to give them a second chance and say this was just them getting their foot in the door and with their next book, they’ll be better writers.


What if the writer doesn’t improve? What if their next book is just as bad or, Demon Lord forbid (😉), worse than their first? What if that first book you picked up was so God-awful, absolutely cringe-worthy, and just downright dreadful? Are you really going to waste your time reading another book by that author?


What if you do give that author a second chance, thinking it’s been a year, they’ve had time to improve… and they didn’t! What do you do then?

Hahahaha! I’m just kidding… (or am I? 😒) But in all reality, as I’ve started reading more books (and reading more bad books), I find that I need to prioritize my time. I have to decide what I really want to read and which authors I really want to give a second chance, and… well, those I don’t. Which is why I’ve created…

An Author Blacklist!

That’s right. I quit. I’m so tired of reading these crappy books with their crappy, pathetic, mind-numbing characters, and their weak, undeveloped, unrealistic relationships, and their completely unoriginal, re-hashed-with-no-uniqueness plots, and their inability to make even the slightest plot twist a surprise. If a book is so bad that I literally would rather bang my head against a brick wall because I think it’d be less painful, then I’m NEVER reading a book by that author AGAIN!

So yeah, I’m done.
Peace out!
Good luck!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Au Revoir!

…suckers. 😈

But what do you think?
Do you blacklist authors?
Leave your thoughts below!

And check out my discussion from last week:
Young Adult

60 thoughts on “{DISCUSSION} Blacklisting Authors”

  1. Hm, blacklisting an author? I think it depends on what and how much I was turned off. If I at least somewhat enjoyed the book, I could overlook some problems. If I can’t even read it to the end because of writing style I didn’t like / characters I hated / gigantic plot holes / etc, then I might blacklist the author. I already have so many hobbies and so little time, so I don’t want to spend that precious time reading something I know I’m very likely not to enjoy because I didn’t like the previous book. 😶

    This is more of a rant and not about a book (so feel free to ignore this paragraph 😆), but I once read a Japanese manga which I enjoyed for a while… until a certain scene that made me drop the entire manga on the spot. In that scene (highly sensitive people alert!), the Japanese baker team (yep, it’s a manga about baking competitions) was about to meet the American team, and someone was saying Americans could sue about anything and anything under the sun. The example that someone gave was the story of an old cat lady who bought a microwave, bathed her cat, [shudder] used the microwave to dry the cat, and after grieving the death of the cat, she sued the microwave company for not adding “do not dry animals in the microwave” in the instruction manual. And she won. Wow, I could handle a lot of violence and blood in a manga, but my heart simply couldn’t take how that cat’s death was depicted. I get it was the author’s style (the manga did have a lot of random stuff), but I now refuse to read anything from that author in case I meet something similar.🙁

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    1. Totally agree, Nicolle! My time is uber limited and I really need to stop wasting it on books I don’t enjoy. I can always come back to them later, when I have more time, if I want to, but at the moment, I’m on a time crunch and I barely have time for any hobbies any more. So, I really gotta focus. :p

      Oh god. That’s awful! (Horrible side note: I remember meeting someone online who’d said they’d microwaved their hamster. so, I can kind of understand that horror. Though, I didn’t have to see it. Ugh! Awful!) And I’m so sorry that happened. I can’t imagine WHY the author would really find that appropriate in any sense. Like… that just seems wrong on so many levels.

      Another side note: I’ve actually seen some REALLY stupid shit like that legal case where it didn’t say it on the packaging, so the person won the case. And that’s why there are some REALLY absurd warnings or disclaimers on packages nowadays. headdesk I seriously worry about people some days.

      P.s. I will always read what you post in my comments! Hahaha! Ignore the paragraph. You silly.

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      1. I agree you could always come back to the books later and focus on the now!

        Yeah… I mean, the author didn’t even depict what happens after the microwave was turned on, but that image of the cat in the microwave was forever stuck in my mind. 😢

        I’ve seen some of those crazy disclaimers, like “DO NOT CONSUME” when it comes to something non-food. I can’t remember what it was but it certainly was ridiculous. 😅

        P.S. Haha, good to know. 😛

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  2. The only author that I will never buy or even consider is Cassandra Claire. I was around for the FanFicion mess with the plagiarism and the bullying of fans the first time around. And I’ve seen the allegations of plagiarism and seen twitter bullying directed by her to people. I can’t support her or her work. Some of my favorite authors work with her, and it makes me kind of sad because I want to support them, but I cannot and will not support anything with her name on it.

    Other authors, even if the first book I read by them may not be the greatest, I will give them another chance. I don’t want to write off an author completely because of a bad editor or a bad book. Like you said it can improve over time. I may be more hesitant to buy their book and I may borrow it instead just in case I don’t like it.

    It’s more bad behavior of an author that turns me away from them than their books. I want to read things that I can be proud to display on a bus or at a coffee shop and talk about the author (Not that this has ever happened).

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    1. Wow. I hadn’t heard anything about that, but I haven’t even read anything by her yet. Even so, I understand what you mean. I’m hard pressed to continue reading books by an author who’s made an absolutely imbecile of themselves. They’re not celebrities, but they are role models and they are influencing young minds. As such, they need to understand the implications of their actions. That’s such a shame to hear about her, but I’ve heard such things with other authors before, as well. (Granted. I’m not sure I’d make the best role model were I ever to become published. cough doesn’t like people cough)

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      1. The Harry Potter fan fiction community was in chaos for months after she was kicked off FF.net for plagiarism. It was crazy, and that was before the bullying. The bullying started when CC found out who alerted the FF.net mods. The whole scandal changed a lot of the forums.

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          1. Back in the early 2000’s she wrote Harry Potter Fan Fiction. Mortal Instruments is a rewrite of the Harry Potter Fan fiction she wrote back then. It’s a long complicated story and I don’t know the whole thing, but in the late 90’s and early 2000’s when fanfic was a wild world. Although there was always “using other’s ideas” in fan fiction, some writers would take quotes from shows like Buffy or whatever and scatter them in. It was the cool thing and with some popular writers like CC it was almost a game. Until she took word or word PAGES of a novel changed the names of the characters and passed it off as original. It was incredibly obvious that she would have had the book open in front of her to do it. It was directly copied. She was reported and banned from FF.net. Then found out her “ratted her out” and set herself to literally ruin this girl’s life. I’ll try to find the article written about it. I was just venturing into Harry Potter fan fic as a reader at that point, I was maybe a freshman in high school. And I don’t know all of it, but the forums were insane at the time with these events. When I saw that she had been published I was literally shocked. Back then she went by Cassie Claire instead of Cassandra Clare some believe to divert from her actions in the early days of FF.net. It’s a wild story. But she’s Doxxed and harassed or had her fans do it, people who say negative things about her. And she’s been accused of plagairism multiple times since she’s become a popular author. I honestly cannot believe that someone with her rep got published, but it also gives me hope that I can too


  3. I used to make myself finish all books even if I wasn’t enjoying them. But then came a time where I thought no one is paying me to read and why make myself miserable. And so, I do have a list of authors that I scroll over because I know their books aren’t ones I’ll enjoy. Then of late, I’ve found it even easier to DNF them. I really don’t have time to waste. So I’ve gotten into a rhythm of “do I like it? yes or no” early on and don’t hesitate to DNF and delete from my kindle right then and there.

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    1. Wow. Very decisive, but that’s good. I really need to get better at that because I do waste too much time reading books I have little to no interest in and since I have very limited amount of time to read, I should be more willing to just quit a book. As you said, we’re not getting paid for this. It’s a hobby. And hobbies are meant to be enjoyed, yes? 🙂

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  4. Oh I totally have a blacklist of authors I just won’t read. Often it’s not even that the book was bad, there are a few highly praised authors on there, they just aren’t for me. One in particular everyone seems to love but I read one of his most praised books and hated it (never been so bored or cared so little) so I’ve blacklisted all of his books.

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    1. BAHAHA! That’s funny, Ali, but I totally feel you. I find that I’m far more critical or less impressed by these books that got major hype. I’m just like: “Why does everyone love them so much? I think they’re awful/boring/bad/etc.” But it really does just go to show that people can read the same book, but read a different story.

      May I ask which author? If you don’t feel comfortable, that’s fine. I understand. 🙂


        1. Interesting. You’re the 2nd person to blacklist John Green, which I find particularly curious because of how well liked he is by the bookish community. I haven’t read any of his work, but I’ve seen the movies and they are not up my alley.

          I’m sorry that I haven’t noticed your dislike for Looking for Alaska. I’m not even familiar with the premise, to be honest. :/


        1. Hmm. That is an interesting point you bring up. But every reader and reviewer is different. While I may blacklist an author, someone else may love them.

          But you know I write negative reviews, so… I believe we view things differently. Still, I try to not attack the author. As a wannabe author, myself, I try to remember to be professional, if that makes sense??

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          1. I am glad you feel that way, but some reviewers don’t hold back, and their criticism might get personal.
            I feel ambivalent about reviews, mainly because I don’t want to be biased before reading a work of literature. I want to form my own impressions and opinions, rather than hear someone else’s running commentary (I am exaggerating slightly).
            I wonder how many people still pick up a book despite negative reviews, and how that influences one’s expectations.

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            1. Ah. Yes, I know about that. It really is completely unprofessional for a reviewer to attack an author or anyone. Attacking a person is just completely inappropriate and severely immature. We are not the gossip column. We are reviewers, but many people do not see the difference, unfortunately. 😦

              And I’m on the same page with you. I don’t read reviews before the book because I like to remain unbiased (particularly because I write my own reviews.) And I haven’t really found any review styles that I personally click with. :/

              I think of some people who still pick up books after negative reviews, but it’s likely because a) they’ve seen positive reviews or b) they have a desire to read the book anyway and judge it for themselves. Another reason why I don’t read reviews. I don’t generally agree with people about books and that makes reading most reviews pointless for me. shrug

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  5. It definitely depends on just how bad a book was. If it was predictable but enjoyable then I’ll be open-minded about reading more of their stuff if it sounds interesting to me (although yeah if I give them a second-chance and it’s still ho-hum then that’ll probably be the last time I read their stuff). But you’re right, sometimes it’s really just because they’re new at this or maybe their next book/series will be a kickass idea that in turn elevates their writing and turns out to be freaking awesome!
    If their book was a DNF or I just really hated it then I won’t be reading more of their books. I don’t have time to waste on books that I don’t enjoy. But if it was just okay yet entertaining then I’ll probably give them another chance to really impress me. (This is when Goodreads and the book blogs really come in handy 😉 )
    Even with authors I really love sometimes they write books that are simply not as good as others, I try to decide based on the book not the author…key word is “try” lol

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    1. Totally! I completely believe than an author’s writing quality is proportional to their passion for the project. It’s why authors so commonly give up on ideas. Forcing a story doesn’t make it good. It just means you have it on paper and while that may seem like a good thing, it also means you’ll have a lot of editing to do and if you’re not enjoying the story, you won’t want to edit and your quality of editing might not be as good. :/ Kind of applicable in many aspects of life.

      Yup! Exactly! DNF = never again. 1-biohazard: unlikely. 2-biohazards: Meh. I might give it another shot. :p But it really is book specific on whether or not I’d try the author again, taking into account WHY I didn’t like the book. 🙂 Book-specific is very important, just as you say.

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  6. I rarely read a second book by an author if I really hate the first. If it’s just a dud by someone I’ve read and enjoyed before, I’ll give them a second chance. I find the landscape these days is cluttered with mediocre books. I’d rather read something I love, or something I hate the message of (but that’s well written) than be bored. Mediocrity is the easiest way for me to “black list” authors by simply forgetting about them.

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    1. Mm. I can totally understand that. I definitely disliked a book by an author whose work I’d previously enjoyed so I’m willing to let that one slide. I still think she’s a good author, but that book/story might not have been for her.

      However, if that had been the first book I’d read by her… I might never have known her other books were good? You know. And they were written before this book. It’s kind of crazy just how different books by the same author can be in terms of being good or well-written or entertaining. :/ That’s often why I try to give authors a second chance even if they are new to me (unless I absolutely ABHOR the book. Then I just don’t care. Hahahaha!)

      I like that idea: Mediocrity. I could definitely understand not wanting to read a boring story again. Though, I find the story isn’t so much as ‘boring’ as it is poorly told. Though, I suppose some of the books I’ve rated poorly have been ‘boring’ because they’ve been too obvious with their plot twists or their plot has been done before. I just always find the writing in those books tends to be WAY worse than the boring factor so that’s what I focus on more. :/

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  7. Well honestly it rarely happen to me. Either I’m easy to please (LOL) aither I choose wisely. I don’t know. If I did not like the book at all the first time I won’t come back for a second though 😉

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    1. Hahaha! Well aren’t you lucky. :p I have found a few that I won’t touch again. Sad, but the truth. I just can’t read books by authors who don’t know how to tell or a story or have a writing style that I just abhor because there’s no way I’ll enjoy the story no matter what. :/

      I wonder what it’s like to not have an author blacklist. :p

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  8. I have far too little time to read. If I don’t like a book by a new (to me) author, I won’t start another. I don’t make a written list, but it is there in my mind. I might try another book if it is highly recommended by people I trust. But there are so many good books out there, why risk it?

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    1. Exactly! I barely read a book a week nowadays because of my school work and I have to really force myself to read even that because I have so many other things to do. So, the last thing I want to do is spend what little free time I make for reading on a book that’s awful because I won’t have time to start a new one for a Sunday review and I won’t get to a potentially better book until next week. sigh Life was easier when I was working full-time. (Oh irony. :p )

      P.s. I don’t have a physical list either, but I’m kind of tempted to make a google doc or something. Hahaha! After all, I’m worried I might start forgetting all these blacklisted authors.

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            1. Mm. That is the biggest problem. It’s one thing if you are writing partners or they ask for your honest review, but I feel that kind of response between people who know each other is only acceptable in the editing phase. Post-publishing friend-responses can be… difficult to swallow. :/

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  9. well, for me it’s pretty simple. if i didn’t like a book by an author and i struggle through it, i probably won’t pick up another book by that author. i don’t even know, if that ever happened, because so far, i didn’t dnf a book 😱

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    1. Hahaha! I don’t have to DNF a book to put it the author on a blacklist, but that’s part of my rating system. 1-biohazard means I finished it but that was the only good part of the book. These are authors that probably ended up on my blacklist because I had to force my way through the book, but I also don’t DNF books I’ve received for review. So… they probably would’ve been a DNF if my conscious wasn’t so strong. Hahahaha! :p

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  10. I’ve been there more times that I can count. So, yes, I’ve black listed a few and I won’t read them again, no matter what. There are SO many other books I want to read and there is NEVER enough time. Why should I waste my time when I have so many authors I LOVE to read. It’s to the point I can’t even keep up with them because I read so much. It’s always a gamble, I may find an author, that is new to me, which I love! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. 🙂

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    1. That is so true, David. Picking up a new book and a new author is totally a gamble (which is funny because I don’t like gambling. :p ) But you can’t really guarantee what you’re going to find and I don’t ever read reviews before a book because I like to be unbiased when I read. So, the book could have some really bad reviews, but I wouldn’t know and I’d read it anyway. (Of course, I usually disagree with other people. So… that’s another reason why I don’t read reviews ahead of time. Hahaha!)

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  11. Authors that I’ve blacklisted include Beth Patillo, Sarah Dessen and John Green. Not sorry. I don’t have time for pointless plots, main characters that I hate and bullshit romances.I’d rather sell my soul to the Demon Lord than read anything by any of them ever again.

    And then there’s Veronica Roth. She was blacklisted for using harmful stereotypes about POC and people with chronic illnesses.

    Also, you should totally write a post about the authors you’ve blacklisted and why 🙂

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    1. Oh. My. Gosh. Totally agree about Veronica Roth. Though, mine is from a different POV (because I didn’t know much about stereotypes and illness when I read her books.) I just… kind of hate her personality in general? I know that sounds awful, but I will often refuse to read books by specific authors if I don’t like who the author is. (Reasons why I don’t dig too much into authors and who they are as people. :/ )

      I… also don’t read contemporary so I’ve never read any of the other three, probably for the reasons you stated. I just… don’t find them entertaining. I want something that’s fast-paced and exciting, maybe dark and horrifying, but not sappy and tragic. I mean, some times, but not in contemp. Not my thing. :/

      Hahahaha! That’s really funny that you suggest that because another blogger said a book blogger should NEVER share their blacklist… list. >.> Right. :p Why do you think it’s okay? I’m curious now. 🙂

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      1. Okay yeah I can see not liking her in general lol

        I’m starting to stray further away from contemporary because I just can’t deal with it anymore

        Why not share my blacklist? I blog to talk about books and their authors. That means I’m going to be totally honest and I don’t give a damn who disagrees. I already have an unpopular opinion by not liking John Green. I should be able to share what I want, when I want, how I want. Nobody has the right to tell me that I can’t. If they don’t want to share theirs that’s their choice but what are they afraid of?

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        1. Hmmm. That was kind of my opinion: being a book blogger is about sharing our opinions of books. Though, I think there is a line between disliking an author and bashing an author because, personally, I don’t think book bloggers should ever attack authors (Especially in reviews). It’s supposed to be about the book and the story, not the person who wrote it (unless they do something super controversial and then that has a direct impact on the bookish world.)

          I was also told that blacklists could impact an author’s career, self-esteem, etc. Which I can understand and agree with, but I think as long as you remain civil and professional when discussing your blacklist it shouldn’t really matter. After all, you likely dislike the author because of their writing style, or the way they create their characters. You won’t read them again because of their books, right? (again, unless they did something controversial.) So, I dunno. I’m still debating whether or not I want to share mine (Not that I have any time to do so any time soon. BAHAHAHA!)

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          1. I agree. I would never (for example) call Veronica Roth names or tell other people not to read her work.
            In my author review, which ultimately explained why I no longer support her, I started off with praise for the world she built in Divergent and how I thought that the factions were clever.

            I totally think you should share it. I appreciate your honesty and would love to hear what you have to say

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            1. Oh wow. I didn’t know you’d written a post on it, but I can understand that you would given the reason you no longer read her work. I think that’s awesome of you and very inspiring. We really do need to stand up more against bad-representation in fiction. 🙂

              Hahaha! Okay. Well… now I gotta actually make a list. :p wanders over to Goodreads

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  12. I tend not to read to many books by the same author close together. I worry that if I do, I’ll identify a pattern in their writing style that make the stories easier to predict. (This happened to me while watching a House marathon on T.V. and I could later on predict down to the minute when they would figure out the diagnosis.)
    But in doing this, I tend to forget if the same author wrote something I didn’t like, and then can’t tell if I don’t like that author or if it’s just not a story I like. Although now that I blog about books, perhaps I’ll be able to keep track better.

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    1. Mm. I can understand that, JR. I don’t honestly even read the next book in the series right after the first because I like variety. So, I can’t honestly say I’d read two books by the same author super close together. I usually end up reading another book way later on. But… I always somehow manage to correlate it back to the book I previously read by the author. (I’m a visual learner, so I remember what the name looks like/similar designs in the book covers. That sort of thing help me remember the authors from before.)

      Yes! Blogging/using Goodreads have been very beneficial in reminding me of authors/books I’ve disliked and those I have liked. This becomes very important as you get into reading a gazillion books. (Though, I’m still a couple hundred from a gazillion. ;p )

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    1. YAS! This is why I post these things so that people will tell me where such places exist! Perfect! I will go sign up for a slot to throw a half dozen books down there. 😀 (P.s. Isn’t that where the monsters came from in Pacific Rim? Coincidence? 0.0)

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  13. If I didn’t like a book by an author, I will likely not read another one of their books, just because there is a high chance that I won’t like another book by them- Although I may be convinced to give them another chance if everyone loves a new book by this author. If I’ve generally liked an author’s books but there is just one book that I don’t like, then I will more likely continue to read their books 🙂 like you said, on one hand, life is too short to waste time on books that we may not like, on the other hand, maybe the author just had a slip-up with one book and the next will be better.

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    1. That makes total sense. A lot of times, the reason I don’t like a book is because I didn’t like the writing style and since that’s something an author develops over time, it’s unlikely that the style will really change from one book to the next. So, it would only be logical that you might not like the next book if you didn’t like one by that author.

      Hahahaha! I hardly ever agree with my reading friends. So being persuaded doesn’t really work for me. :p

      Oh yeah! I actually had that just recently. Enjoyed previous books by an author, but disliked this new one she pubbed. I was like: “Eh?” Very sad, honestly, but I’m hoping it’s a fluke. Thing is, if this book had been the first I’d read by her, I might never know I liked her other books, you know? Reasons why I believe in 2nd chances. But no thirds. I don’t have time for that.

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      1. Yes! Mostly it is because of the writing style that makes me NOT want to pick up another book by the same author.

        Lol 🙂 I can tell that you are an independent thinker! I think I am more subject to peer influence 🙂 If enough bloggers are ranting about how great this writer’s next book is, I might just want to check it out!

        Yes! I agree about giving 2nd chances and NOT 3rd chances 🙂

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        1. hahahaha! Independent isn’t always a good thing. I make lots of enemies with that. :p But I also know what I like and know what I don’t like and I don’t generally agree with people. So, other’s opinions don’t have much weight in my decisions because odds are I’ll disagree anyway, you know? :p

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