
{DISCUSSION} Blogging Stats

Do blogging stats really matter?

Having been a blogger for over two years now (and struggling to keep up with the energy and free time of newer, younger bloggers), I find myself asking why I blog and what I am looking for in return from blogging. To be honest, some days I don’t know. Hahaha! Some days, I stare at my blog and all the comments and go: “This is WAY too much effort. I’m too tired. I have other things to do,” and I don’t respond to comments or wait until the last minute to write posts. (Like what I’m doing now.) And while I have TONS of thoughts on blogging, I’d like to focus on one that gets a TON of attention no matter whether you’re a new or experienced blogger:

Blog Stats

Blog statistics can be very important for personal or professional goals. A lot of people, when they start their blogs, want to be famous! πŸ˜‰ Because that’s a sign of success and people like us. (Though, follows and likes are definitely not a sign that people like you. Hee hee! I would know.) But we believe that higher stats means more popularity. For some people, that’s all they want. They want to be heard. They want to interact and so having lots of followers and lots of comments and lots of likes, is all they are aiming for.

Others, however, are looking for high stats for professional reasons. High stats mean you are successful, that people enjoy your content and subscribe and read regularly. If you are trying to make this a business, that’s very important. You need to be able to grab attention and gain a following if you want to make money off of it. So stats are vital. This same thing could be said for book bloggers looking to snag some fancy schmancy ARCs or beauty bloggers looking to pick up some swag to test out and review. In those cases, stats are very important as well because the larger your following, the more people see your reviews, and the better for the company.


Blog stats are NOT everything.

I know. I know. I literally just gave you very good reasons for why blog statistics are important, but are those high stats and faceless, nameless numbers really going to be enough to pull you through when you’re busy? Are they going to be enough motivation to get you to write posts when you’re swamped, stressed, and sick? Frankly, I quite doubt that. I think most people need something more than that. They need an internal motivator.

For many, it’s love of blogging and sharing ideas. For others it’s a database to store all their reviews and thoughts and have a record of their lives for a period of time. And then there’s me.

Why does Melanie blog?

I. Don’t. Know.

Yup. I said it. I have no idea why I blog. I mean, yeah I like having a place for my reviews, but GoodReads. Yeah, I like getting ARCs, but I don’t get nearly enough for that to be a legit reason. Yeah, I like chatting with people, but even that becomes quite taxing when comments are 4 paragraphs long and you have 10-15 of them per post and you haven’t had time to respond in 3 weeks.

And I now have over 900 followers on my blog and almost 7,000 comments. That’s freakin’ huge. I mean, I know people who boost their stats higher in less time, but for a casual blogger (who is hella busy), that’s amazing and I am proud of those stats. (especially because I have a very aggressive, loud, crass writing voice that is a total ice storm compared to the other cheery, friendly book blogs out there. Frankly, I’m amazed I got this far without being attacked yet by readers or publishers. Hahaha!) And I do feel that I owe my readers posts every week. But my stats aren’t what keep me going. If my Youtube channel is any indication, my stats will fluctuate up and down whether I’m posting content or not. So stats, to me, don’t really mean anything.

Stats are like money, time, or distance.

They are arbitrary constructs of human society to better understand and quantify the world around us, but at the end of the day. They really don’t mean anything. They only mean what you let them mean and I don’t let them mean anything. That much was made very evident when I didn’t reach my 2017 goal of 1,000 followers because my blog didn’t vanish, my apartment didn’t light on fire, my bank account didn’t empty, the world didn’t explode. Nothing bad happened because I didn’t reach my randomly set goal of 1,000 followers by 2018.

I guess what I am trying to say in this absurdly long, horribly tangented tirade is that blog stats mean nothing and anyone who thinks they are better than anyone else because their stats are higher, needs to stop. The blog-o-sphere is a community. We don’t compare stats. We are not competing with each other. This isn’t the olympics. There are no gold medals or awards. It’s just for fun and everyone should treat it that way.

P.s. If anyone is ever nasty with you in the blog-o-sphere or GoodReads or Twitter, hit me up. I do not tolerate – nor do any bloggers I follow tolerate – hateful bashing or boasting and we will support you (and definitely call that person out for their inexcusable behavior. And you’ve all seen how well I call out bad books. 😈)

But what do you think?
How important are blogging stats to you?
Leave your thoughts below!

And check out my discussion from last week:
Professional Appearance

40 thoughts on “{DISCUSSION} Blogging Stats”

  1. “If anyone is ever nasty with you in the blog-o-sphere or GoodReads or Twitter, hit me up.”

    chants OUR HERO

    On a more serious note, this post is great and it made me accept that my low stats don’t matter much, as long as I’m doing what I wanted to do initially.

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    1. Hahahahaha. I’m glad you liked my post, Dania, and I’m happy it has helped you. πŸ™‚ I definitely understand the pressure of caring about stats, but success is a matter of perspective. My idea of success is having built a community who I consistently interact with. They allow me to be crazy and annoying and, in return, they share their thoughts and broaden my mind. Personally, I couldn’t ask for anything more out of my blog. πŸ™‚

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  2. Stats can be beneficial to a point. As we were talking about the other day, I notice that if I am not interactive with others, my stats suffer. I count on my stats for the audience that actually connects with me because I want to make sure someone is seeing my posts when I share reviews on Indie/Self Published and Lesser Known Authors. Stats are not important to me as a sense of success, but rather, the more comments I have, the more I know that someone is paying attention so I can help spread the word about hard working authors that need more love.

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    1. Oh yeah. That makes total sense that you’re trying to actually gain more following because you’re doing a lot of promo for indie authors. In that sense, stats are very important because you’re a direct line between the author and potential readers. I don’t do as much of that. I have, but I never really gave much thought to it before. Maybe that is something I need to look into in the future because I do have a few author friends that I support, but I think I could do more.

      I also care more about the comments than I do the likes or views or anything because I care more about interaction with other readers and bloggers than other stats because comments actually offer a direct representation that people read your post. Too many people like without reading or caring and for my discussions especially I want people to read and think and respond. That’s the whole point.

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      1. Yes. That is why I try to read some of the popular books to gain the audience and then promote the authors that need more love to them.

        I care a lot about the comments too. I enjoy a good discussion and I have really noticed that if I am not commenting on other bloggers’ pots that no one is commenting on mine.

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        1. You’re such a genius. o.o I never would have thought of doing that, but I’m also a horrible hipster that refuses popular stuff like the plague. πŸ˜‚

          That’s crazy. o.o I don’t have time to read/comment on other blogs, but I get some on mine. Granted, I only get them on my discussion posts which I generally try to make funny or controversial. ponders if I would get more comments each week if I commented on other blogs Oh wait. I still don’t have time. πŸ˜‚

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          1. Evil genius πŸ˜‚

            You have good discussion posts. I need to work on coming up with some, but I do agree, you would get way more comments if you visited other blogs. I’ll have to remember to show you examples from days I slacked versus days I commented, lol..And yes it is time consuming.

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            1. Bahahahaha! The Dark Side has corrupted you after all. Perhaps you now deserve that cookie. πŸ˜‰

              Everything is time consuming. We just have to pick and choose what we want to do. If I got something else out of blogging like notoriety or money, it would make more sense to invest more time into it. But it’s just a hobby. :p

              Haha! At least my topics are doing well so far. πŸ™‚ I just happen to be extremely opinionated and controversial. πŸ˜‰

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  3. When you are first starting, like myself, stats can be very demotivating. I have to tell myself that I am doing this because I enjoy it and it doesn’t matter that I don’t have a thousand followers yet. Its a great goal to have, but you shouldn’t allow your mood to be affected by the stats. Plus I am finding that someone can just like but not really read your post, is that a like/stat you want? Or do you want someone who engages with your writing? To me that is worth more than the like.

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    1. Oh yeah. That is so true. Stats at the beginning take up so much time and thought and after a while you realize that they may or may not mean as much to you personally depending on what you want the stats for. I know some bloggers care about them because of what they are trying to do with their blogs. For me, it’s not as important because I don’t care about the giant following. I care about the genuine interaction like I get with my comments.

      Yeah, I know a lot of people pay attention to their likes and views, but I care more about the comments as I said because I write my posts to start conversations and get people to think. They’re not just for entertainment like tags or fun updates are for. They have different purposes. πŸ™‚ It’s why I stopped paying attention to likes some time ago (and most stats for that matter, unless I’m requesting things. :p ) Comments ensure that someone read your post. πŸ™‚

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  4. I think I relied on stats very heavily in the beginning. They are useful and can help us reach goals (whatever they may be). I totally get why it matters to some. But I can honestly say that I have hit a point where they mean so little to me. I hit a point were the numbers were gaining control and I did not like it. That’s not for me. So I have turned my back on them and find myself much happier in the process 😊 I am sure that coin could easily flip should my blogging goals ever grow.

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    1. I think it’s kind of like numbers mean a lot when there are few of them because each new one is HUGE, but after a while there are so many that they lose their value and you start to realize that those numbers aren’t really enough motivation to be the reason you blog. Especially when life gets busy and crazy, you have to look at why you’re blogging and, for most people, stats aren’t enough to keep someone going. There has to be something that has more weight to keep people here.

      And I am with you. I stopped looking at my stats a long time ago because they just lose value (like inflation πŸ˜‚). And I care more about the opportunity to interact with people and chat books so that’s why I blog. πŸ™‚


    1. It’s the truth. Especially with all the bots that can follow you and all the people who follow just for a follow back and never actually read your blog. That means none of your numbers mean anything. :/ It’s why I try not to put too much stock in my numbers. πŸ™‚

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  5. I’ll admit that I’m a stats nerd. I know stats are pretty much useless, but I do have a mathematics degree, so… Right now my stats are at out 1/2 of my 2017 average. I doubt if they will be even close to that level this year. The blog is supposed to be part of my platform to promote my fiction and I do use it as a great place to exercise my writing. But views and likes don’t sell books. Since I am the world’s worst salesperson, I just have fun with my blog.

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    1. Hahahahaha! Same. I realized that I’m really bad at self-promo as well, which means I will likely never turn my blog into a promo place and I also don’t want to lose the line of communication with fellow bloggers. Writing and promoting and sales are great, but I want to be able to talk with people. That’s really what I’ve always been looking for. :p

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  6. I enjoy the interactions most. I’m one of those people who likes stats even if I can’t interpret them like some mystic oracle. It’s a fun community for me. And look, just by commenting and liking this post, I raised your stats.

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    1. Hahahaha! I care WAY more about comments than I do likes (because I learned a year ago from an accident that people like posts without reading them. Oops!) But comments mean that people are reading and thinking! After all, I post discussions. I want people to be thinking. So thank you for commenting, Craig! πŸ˜€ And I can’t understand the mystical stats oracle either. Hee hee!

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    1. Very well said, Rosie Amber. πŸ™‚ Stats are a nice thing to look at from time to time, but they shouldn’t be the end all be all. And enjoyment is of the utmost importance, especially given how much time blogging takes up. :p


  7. I’ll keep this comment short as you’re so busy lol ;-P
    I’m glad to hear i@m not the only one that feels this, the only reason I can think that I blog is because I want to and sometimes I post some right trash and after all what is the point?
    I’m going to continue because I like it but if Mr Spock was here he would that this is merely ‘illogical’

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    1. Hahaha! Thank you, Simon. πŸ™‚ Still working on finding the balance I need for life, but I’m getting there and all the wonderful support is very helpful!

      And yes. Blogging is a bit illogical, but then so are most hobbies. But not everything in life needs to be logical otherwise where would be the enjoyment? πŸ™‚ Sometimes we just need escapes, a place to relax and decompress. That seems pretty logical to me. :p

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  8. This was an interesting read. I definitely agree though. When I first started and got wrapped up in the whirlwind of the community, I was hyper aware of my lack of followers/likes and it bothered me. But now that I am a little more established, I seriously thought about why I even started my blog, and realized that I was letting other people dictate not only my reading schedule, but a lot of other things. I was obsessed with finding just the right topics to post about, exactly the right books that would get my followers to click on my reviews, and it was tiring. I feel like I didn’t get to read half of the books I actually wanted to read last year because I was too concerned that the blogging community wouldn’t like what I was reading.
    This is such a unique space, and I LOVE talking with everyone on here. It has brought me peace when my reality was turned upside down. But I agree with you, stats at the end of the day don’t mean squat. I am perfectly happy with the community I am a part of, and if my book reviews don’t get as much traffic as the book tags, the world won’t end. Originally, the book reviews/discussions were for myself anyway, so I could better understand and really lay out what I liked/didn’t like in a book.

    And now I have given you a paragraph response that you talked about in this post lol.
    Awesome points though. :]

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    1. Oh man. Yeah, that is very stressful when you let your readers dictate your content. I imagine I did that for a while, especially when I got tagged in a bunch of stuff and I felt like I had to do ALL of them even though I didn’t like it and didn’t have the time to. :/

      Funny enough, when I do read the books that are popular in the blogging community, I usually very much dislike them and end up destroying everyone’s favorite book. :p Oops. That and I would love to promote books that aren’t currently as popular by the publishing industry which is why I actually look for books that aren’t as well known. πŸ™‚ And because they just sound cooler than the mainstream books. hee hee!

      I think the community aspect is the real thing people end up wanting/searching for in a blog because that’s usually what happens. We establish ourselves and we have a handful of other bloggers we interact with on a regular basis. I know this goes for me, at least. I see the same people commenting every week and while I would love to meet new people, it’s not a big deal. Because the people who do comment each are genuine and diverse in their opinions, which makes it all worth it. πŸ™‚

      Mm. It took me a while to write book reviews in a manner that worked for me and I did a lot of tests and polls to figure it out (again, asking my readers). At the end of the day, I ended up doing it in a way that I liked and my readers can either like it or leave. Sucks to be them. :p

      As for the discussions, I like them for two reasons: one, I get to voice my opinions, and two, I get to hear other opinions. I’m not always very good at leaving the discussion open for other arguments, but I encourage them because being able to have differing opinions on something is what broadens our minds. That’s what I love about discussions. It allows me to hear from a variety of different people and perhaps I will learn something. πŸ™‚

      Hahaha! I love long comments. It shows me that people actually have things to say about the topics I come up with. (Some days I worry that my topics will be uninteresting for readers and they’ll have nothing to say. 😦 Though, I will take longer to respond to longer comments, just an fyi. Hee hee!)

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  9. Sometimes it mattes sometimes I even forget to check stats. I do feel bad when it goes terribly down but that happens because of many reasons. So I don’t think much about it. I have many things to do read, review, post, and definitely life rather just worrying over stats.

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    1. Yeah, I have been looking at my stats over the last couple months because my content numbers have been going down due to graduate school cutting into my blogging time. That makes me sad that my views and comments and stats overall might go down and potentially bringing in fewer readers, but such is life. :/ I have to focus on other things sometimes and just being able to interact with a few bloggers each week is still tons of fun. πŸ™‚ So, thank you for commenting and chatting with me! ❀

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  10. My blog is pretty small, and to be honest, I started it a year ago today, actually, so that I could stop annoying my friend Jen about Alexander Hamilton related text messages. I needed something to put my energy into. I like when the bar graph on the stats page is larger than the day before, but since this is more of a “for fun” blog thing I don’t care about my stats. The fact that anyone besides Jen reads my blog on a semi-regular basis is pretty cool to me.

    People who are running their blogs as a brand probably care a lot more and put more effort into getting followers, comments and the like. If your blog is part of a professional part of your life, stats matter a whole lot more.

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    1. What?! Happy blog-o-versary, Deanna! (Sorry I’m late. Ugh. life.) I think that’s awesome that you started it as a ‘for fun’ thing because that’s really what makes it worth it in the end. Starting off with the mentality of a business or something doesn’t usually work because the content and demeanor is different. I started that way and my blog has changed SOOOOO much since I began that it’s not even recognizable anymore. HAHAHA! And I love my blog so much more now and get a lot more out of it personally than I used to. That’s what makes it worth it and why I keep going. πŸ™‚

      If your blog is part of your professional life, it makes sense that you would be more invested, but I don’t see many professional book bloggers. It’s really more of a hobby niche than anything. Though, I wouldn’t mind making it a little more professional if I ever got published. :p But that’s years away. Hahahaha!

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  11. I do my best to treat it like a business, so the stats do matter for me because they’re a sign of growth.

    It’s a metric I can use to judge what’s working and what’s not.

    It’s also something that keeps me going even when I don’t wanna do anything. Lol.

    But it’s not the end all be all either. That would be the free books.

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    1. Hahaha! I could understand it being a point of motivation. I definitely make sure to write posts every week and offer new content to my readers because I know I have some. So I can understand that. Though, I don’t pay enough attention to what works and what doesn’t, but that’s also because I don’t really post consistently enough to really be able to examine that. :p

      BAHAHAHAH! Free books. For sure. πŸ˜€ I’m right there with you. Hee hee!


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