
TBR… what?!

So… I’m a failsaur. 😢 I said in June that was I gonna start doing TBRs every month aaaand I didn’t even make it through one month. *sigh* To be honest, I actually didn’t even read enough books in July to have a TBR and I kept pushing back one book. So, I never would’ve met my TBR requirements even if I’d set up. Frankly, July was just an absolute nightmare.

Total chaos!

I barely managed to keep up with the days and my blog posts, much less books. I had so much going on that I just couldn’t find the time to sit down and read [or the willpower, probably].

Not that August is gonna be much better, but my review schedule is going to REQUIRE me to actually read books this month because I’m… uh… kind of out of back-up reviews. 😶 I don’t have any already-written reviews to throw up if I don’t finish reading a book, which is why I’m actually setting a TBR for August! YAY!

Or… you know. Not. 🙁 Whatever.

But to help me also read some books, I’m teaming up with Klara over at Ribbon Reviews to read at least 3 books from my TBR this month. Can’t let my new friend down! So, without further ado, I present you with my…


Dun-dun-dun-duuuu! *epic music plays*

And here to help me share my August TBR with you all is my plushy, joyful, side-kick PUSHEEN! Isn’t he just soooo adorable?! 😍 He had a total blast with this photo shoot. (Though, to be honest, he’s kind of a diva. He just thinks he’s SO FANC-EH! 😂) What do you think? Did he do a good job or did he steal the spotlight?

So for August I’m wrapping up Zodiac in the next couple days (which I should’ve read a couple months ago, but, you know, RL and what not. 😒) But after that I’m going to finally get to Truthwitch by Susan Dennard because I met her recently at her author event and she was amazing! So, I thought I should read her book, which I imagine will be amazing too! Woo!

After Truthwitch I’ll be reading a fancy, super cool physical ARC I got from Sourcebooks, Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller! It’s a fantasy about assassins and has such a GORGEOUS cover! It’s publishing on August 29th and my review will go up the Sunday before on August 27th! Keep your eyes peeled! (Fun fact, Linsey Miller is actually on a co-mentor team for PitchWars this year! I submitted to her. So, fingers crossed that she likes my novel. 😝)

Last, but not least, is a book I’ve heard quite a menagerie of things about. Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B Larson. I snagged an ARC of this book back in MAY through a Twitter giveaway with @IReadYA! Which, sadly, means it’s been sitting on my desk for a few months… Oops. 😳

So, that’s my physical TBR for August. If anyone wants to buddyread any of these books with me, comment below! I’d love to have a friend to chat with while reading! But I understand everyone has their own reading schedules. 😉

What are you reading this month?
Leave your TBR in the comments!

16 thoughts on “TBR… what?!”

  1. Oooo okay I really want to hear your thoughts for all three of those!!! I haven’t read them myself yet but I’ve been really curious and I definitely look forward to your reviews!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha no, I really like reading your reviews! So many book bloggers are just full of nice nice nice and I need someone who won’t be afraid to dig in and say hey, this was good but damn this part needed help lol

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I had intended to read it right after Zodiac, but they upped the pub date for Mask of Shadows. But my review for Truthwitch is scheduled for Sep 3. I should be reading it at the very latest the week before that Sunday. Care to join?

      Liked by 1 person

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