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{DISCUSSION} Binge Writing

In honor of Camp NaNo, we're having another writing-based discussion. Specifically: types of writers. Read more to find out what type of writer you are!

discussion highlights

Discussion Highlights: Plotter vs. Pantser

Missed last week's discussion on being a plotter vs a panster? No worries! Here's the highlights and a sneak peek of this week's discussion topic!


Camp NaNo Update: 70K

It's been almost a week since Camp NaNo started and I promised I would keep you lovely readers updated on my progress! Read more to find out why I'm a crazy person & tell me how your Camp NaNo is going!


{DISCUSSION} Plotter vs. Pantser

This month is Camp NaNoWriMo, which means it's writing time! And I think that means we should have a writerly discussion! So, are you a plotter or a panster? And what is the advantage of that?