
Welcome to Swoon Reads!

Are you looking for new authors to read? Or perhaps enjoy supporting undiscovered writers? Look no further! Swoon Reads is a great place to find new and up-and-coming writers! And it's entirely free!


2018 Plans & Goals

A lot happened in 2017! Check it all out and see what's in store for 2018!

Calendar Girls

Favorite Book Published in 2017

December already?! You know what the means: It's time for another Calendar Girls book pick! 😀 What was your favorite book of 2017?


2nd Blog-o-versary!

Wow... Two years as a book blogger already, eh? Time truly does fly! Read about my blogging journey and some cool new changes!



Have you ever come across a typo or inconsistency in a book? Does it make the story flawed or more endearing? Tell me your thoughts on book typos!