
Let’s go Camping!

So many fun things happening in April, including Camp NaNo! Check out my updates and leave your Camp NaNo username in the comments if you're still looking for a cabin!


{DISCUSSION} Authors Reviewing Books

Should authors review books? What kind of positive or negative impacts could this have? Join the discussion and share your thoughts!

Musings, Tags & Awards, Updates

Future Me Tag #thebookrobinhoods

What would you say to your self in 10 years? Check out the tag and what I'd tell future me!


{DISCUSSION} Whiny A** Teens

Why do authors write whiny a** teenagers as their main character? Read my rant and join the discussion!


I’m building an army 😈

I'm building an army 😈. A betareader army. If you want access to new stories and want to help an aspiring novelist out, check out my post!


{DISCUSSION} ‘Not Dead’ Cliche

Why is it SO hard for authors to ACTUALLY kill off a character? Really, though? I'm asking because I can't figure it out! Join the discussion!


2018 Plans & Goals

A lot happened in 2017! Check it all out and see what's in store for 2018!


December Update

I missed November's update, but I didn't miss December's. 😉 Check out how my month went and tell me about yours!


{DISCUSSION} Politics & Book Blogging

When our eyes are opened to the injustices around us, shouldn't we be allowed to talk about them? What about book bloggers? Should they be allowed to talk politics on their blog/social media?